Video & Audio

Video & Audio are highly effective ways to reach your audience through sight, sound and motion. A compelling campaign can either complement or take the place of an existing TV advertising budget, local radio budget or both by cutting costs/waste through locating only your ideal prospects with the most potential to become customers.


Your 15 to 30-second video ad/commercial will appear to targeted users after they click the video, or streaming content, they elect to view. Before the selected video content begins, your 15 to 30-second commercial will run. We have a host of options from non-skippable commercials that users must watch in their entirety, to TrueView skippable options that give users the power to skip the commercial after 5 seconds. Each of these can be highly targeted based upon demographics, geography and customer interests.


Connected TV (CTV) and Over-The-Top (OTT) are interchangeable concepts. Both utilize digital applications such as Hulu to target video content to likely customers on devices such as Smart TVs and digital platforms like Roku, the Amazon Fire TV Stick and more.

Paid Social Videos

Social media sites are excellent candidates to utilize video to reach your target market within environments that already lend themselves to the sharing of content and brands.

Streaming Audio

Hone in on your potential customers through smartphone music apps, websites, in-dash vehicles systems and even at-home personal assistants such as Alexa and Google Home.

Our Work

  • Case Study – University


  • Case Study – Hospital


  • Case Study – Law Firm


  • Case Study – Utility Company



How AI is Transforming Digital Marketing

How AI is Transforming Digital Marketing

The digital marketing landscape is undergoing a transformation, driven by the rapid advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI). AI technologies are not only redefining how brands interact with consumers but are also enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of marketing strategies.

Why Choosing a DSP-Focused Advertising Company is Key to Your Success

Why Choosing a DSP-Focused Advertising Company is Key to Your Success

In today’s digital landscape, advertising has evolved far beyond traditional methods. To effectively reach and engage your target audience, leveraging advanced technologies and platforms is crucial. One such technology is the Demand-Side Platform (DSP), a powerful tool that can revolutionize your advertising strategy.

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